Decay Tree Detection in Bogor Botanic Gardens Collection Using Sonic Tomograph Technology

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Rizmoon Nurul Zulkarnaen
Dipta Sumeru Rinandio
Muhammad Rifqi Hariri
Prima Wahyu Kusuma Hutabarat
Irfan Martiansyah
Fitri Fatma Wardani
Mujahidin Mujahidin
Enggal Primananda
Arief Noor Rachmadiyanto
Melza Mulyani
Iin P.A Husaini
Dwi Setyanti
Faozan Indresputra
Lutfi Rahmaningtiyas
widya Ayu Pratiwi
Frisca Damayanti
Lidya N. Endewip
Hendra Helmanto
Agus Suhatman
Dina Safarinanugraha
Danang Wahyu Purnomo


Bogor Botanic Gardens is an ex-situ plant conservation area in Indonesia. Since BBG is 103 years old, many collections are 100 years old or older. These antique collections may sustain damage, such as broken or collapsing, endangering visitors and employees. As a result, monitoring tree health at BBG is a critical task. According to the tree health monitoring data, 73 of 244 trees were further checked using the PiCUS Sonic Tomograph. Trees from the Fabaceae (31%) and Myrtaceae (10%) families were the most frequently checked. Walnuts trees from the Burseraceae family had the most specimens (47,94%). The PST effectively provides an immediate picture of the stem condition by calculating solid and decaying wood percentage values.


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Rizmoon Nurul Zulkarnaen, Pusat Riset Konservasi Tumbuhan, Kebun Raya, dan Kehutanan – Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

ekologi konservasi


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