Evaluation of Quality Services at PT. Hajar Aswad Mubaroq


  • Akhmad Anwar Dani Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta,
  • Teha Aulia Gemelli Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Alfiana Sativa Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia




This study aims to determine the quality of services provided by
PT. Hajar Aswad Mubaroq to the congregation; to find out the
obstacles faced in the implementation of Umrah plus Turkish worship,
and to evaluate the services provided by the bureau to the
pilgrims. Using qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis
techniques. The main data were obtained through interviews with
employees and the study of related documents. It was concluded that
PT. Hajar Aswad Mubaroq has done a good service to the
congregation from departure to return home. So that the results of the
evaluation of the services of PT. Hajar Aswad Mubaroq was very
satisfying for the congregation. Obstacles faced when carrying out
Umrah and tours in Turkey, sick pilgrims, lost pilgrims and late pilgrims
and elderly pilgrims.



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Buku Panduan Ibadah Umrah Plus Turkiye PT. Hajar Aswad Mubaroq

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Wawancara dengan Karyawan Departemen Humas Biro Hajar Aswad Mubaroq Surakarta Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 23-06-2021

Wawancara dengan Karyawan Departemen Manifest Biro Hajar Aswad Mubaroq Surakarta Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 25-06-2021

Wawancara dengan Karyawan Departemen Marketing Biro Hajar Aswad Mubaroq Surakarta Provinsi Jawa Tengah, 28-06-2021

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