Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023): December
The Influence of Quality of Umrah Package Services on the Interest of Jama'ah to Register at PT Cordoba Berkah Mandiri
Abstract View: 170 PDF Download: 116 -
Implementation of Hajj Manasik Guidance Management at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Sragen Regency
Abstract View: 242 PDF Download: 229 -
Accountability and Transparency of Wakf in the Management of Social Funds and Empowerment of the People
Abstract View: 287 PDF Download: 246 -
The Influence of Infaq and Shodaqoh Fundraising on Donors’ Satisfaction at Lazis MD UIN Jakarta
Abstract View: 156 PDF Download: 100 -
The Effectiveness of SISKOHAT in Organizing Hajj at the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office of Lima Puluh Kota Regency
Abstract View: 177 PDF Download: 121