Ticket Payment Information System On The Sea Beach Light Using Simple Additive Weighting Method

Eko Siswanto*  -  Program Studi Sistem Informasi , STIMIK Pro Visi Semarang, Indonesia
Bayu Abdur rohman  -  Program Studi Sistem komputer, STEKOM Semarang

(*) Corresponding Author

The Sea Beach Cahaya is one of the rising beach attractions in Kendal Regency, Central Java. In general, the tourism object of The Sea Pantai Cahaya still does not use many computer systems in their daily lives. As with tourism ticket purchases and also entrance tickets, vehicles that still use ticket paper as proof of payment, it is often disrupted if it is still fussing with the queue conditions and questions by visitors. On the other hand, report data collection is still considered slow.

One way to overcome the above problems is to make a ticket payment system that is computerized using the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method, replace paper tickets with a card model and also use the network to shorten report generation.

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ISSN 2715-0143 (media online)
ISSN 2714-9048 (media cetak)


ISSN: 2714-9048 (Print)
ISSN: 2715-0143 (Online)
DOI : 10.21580/wjit

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