Islam, science, modern, contributionAbstract
Abstract: This paper presents a discussion of the contribution of muslim scientists to the development of modern science. It is well known that in the golden ages of Islam many scientists are very competent in their respective fields emerging. They succeeded in emerging as philosophers and scientists capable of filling various fields of science, such as medicine, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and so forth others. Their scholarship is valuable especially for the development of science in the future. So precious their scholarship and what they dedicated, so not infrequently the scientists who come later dub them as the father of science in their respective fields. However, not all of them will be discussed in this paper, but only the triumvirate of muslim scientists, namely Ibn Rushd, Ibn al-Haytham, dan Jabir ibn Hayyan. Their contribution is so great to the development of modern science and is recognized by scientists both in the East, and especially in the West.
Abstrak: Tulisan ini menyuguhkan pembahasan mengenai kontribusi ilmuwan-ilmuwan muslim bagi perkembangan sains modern. Sudah jamak diketahui bahwa pada zaman keemasan Islam banyak bermunculan ilmuwan yang sangat kompeten di bidangnya masing-masing. Mereka berhasil tampil sebagai filosof dan saintis yang mengisi berbagai bidang keilmuwan, seperti kedokteran, matematika, kimia, fisika dan sebagainya. Keilmuwan mereka sangat berharga terutama bagi perkembangan sains pada masa-masa berikutnya. Begitu berharganya keilmuwan dan apa yang dipersembahkan oleh mereka, sehingga tidak jarang para ilmuwan yang datang belakangan menjuluki mereka sebagai bapak sains di bidangnya masing-masing. Namun, tidak semua dari mereka akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini, melainkan hanya triumvirat ilmuwan muslim, yakni Ibn Rushd, Ibn al-Haytham, dan Jabir ibn Hayyan. Kontribusi ketiganya begitu besar bagi perkembangan sains modern dan diakui kalangan saintis, baik di Timur dan khususnya di Barat.
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