Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

The editors invite experts, practitioners, and researchers in digital marketing and the halal industry to submit original, research-based, unpublished articles that are not under review in other journals. All submitted papers will undergo a peer-review process by the editorial board and blind reviewers. Submissions that do not comply with formatting or length guidelines will be rejected without review.

Online Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must be submitted online through the Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry portal.

Steps for Submitting Manuscripts

  1. Authors must register and select the author role during registration.
  2. After logging in, click New Submission. The submission process consists of the following steps:
    • In the Start section, complete all checklists and click Save and Continue.
    • In the Upload Submission section, upload the manuscript file in MS Word format and click Save and Continue.
    • In the Enter Metadata section, input all authors' data and affiliations. If there is more than one author, click Add Author and fill in their details. Then, enter the title, abstract, keywords, research methods, and references in the designated fields.
    • In the Upload Supplementary Files section, supporting files such as cover letters, author contribution statements, and ethical clearance documents may be uploaded.
    • In the Confirmation section, click Finish Submission if all information is correct.

General Instructions

  • Articles must be formatted according to scientific journal standards and comply with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition.
  • Authors are encouraged to use reference management tools such as Mendeley or Zotero, with citations following APA (7th Edition) style.
  • Manuscripts should be original and not previously published in print or online.
  • While an article is under review in this journal, it cannot be submitted elsewhere.
  • Articles must be submitted online through the Open Journal System (OJS).
  • Use Goudy Old Style font (11 pt), with 1 spacing, in MS Word format, A4 size (210 x 297 mm).
  • The word count should range between 5,000 and 7,000, excluding references.
  • Tables and graphs must be in an editable format (not screenshots or image files).
  • The manuscript must be written in English. Proofreading fees, handled by appointed proofreaders, are included in the Article Publication Charge.
  • The article must comply with ethical clearance requirements.
  • To ensure equal publication opportunities, authors who have published in this journal may submit a new manuscript only two years after their last publication.

Particular Instructions

  • The article must be based on empirical research in digital marketing and/or the halal industry.
  • Due to the blind review process, author details (name, affiliation, and email) should not appear in the manuscript. These details should be provided during OJS registration.

Manuscript Structure

  1. Title
    • Concise, informative, and engaging.
    • A maximum of 20 words, written in English, in bold, and using title case capitalization.
  2. Abstract
    • A single-spaced paragraph, no more than 170 words.
    • It should include five key elements: (1) research background, (2) research objectives, (3) methods, (4) key findings, and (5) implications.
    • Avoid abbreviations and citations.
  3. Keywords
    • Minimum of three keywords or keyword combinations.
    • Arranged alphabetically and separated by semicolons.
  4. Introduction
    • Presents research background, literature review, originality, research objectives, and hypothesis (if applicable).
    • Demonstrates the knowledge gap and theoretical relevance.
    • Comprises approximately 20% of the total manuscript length.
  5. Methods
    • Describes research design, variables, data collection techniques, and analytical methods.
    • Details on digital marketing models, halal industry standards, or marketing analytics methods should be provided.
    • Includes reliability and validity measures of research instruments.
    • Comprises approximately 20% of the total manuscript length.
  6. Results
    • Presents findings in a structured manner, supported by tables and figures.
    • Includes assumption tests and hypothesis testing results.
    • Comprises approximately 20% of the total manuscript length.
  7. Discussion
    • Interprets findings in relation to previous studies and relevant theories.
    • Highlights theoretical and practical implications for digital marketing and the halal industry.
    • Discusses study limitations and recommendations for future research.
    • Comprises approximately 20% of the total manuscript length.
  8. Conclusion
    • Provides a concise summary of key findings, contributions, and practical implications.
    • Should be written in paragraph form (not bullet points).
    • Maximum length: 1 page.
  9. Acknowledgment (if any)
    • Acknowledges contributions from individuals or institutions that supported the research.
  10. Authors' Contribution Statement
    • Must be uploaded as a supplementary file.
  11. Ethical Clearance Statement
    • Must be uploaded as a supplementary file.
  12. References
    • Sources from the last 10 years are recommended.
    • References should be listed alphabetically and formatted according to APA 7th Edition.
    • A DOI must be provided for each reference if available.
    • Authors are encouraged to use Mendeley or Zotero for reference management.

Tables and Figures

  • Must be numbered sequentially and integrated into the text.
  • Captions must be placed above tables and below figures.
  • Data visualization should follow APA (7th Edition) guidelines.
  • Tables and figures should be placed at the top or bottom of a page, not in the middle.