Theory of Planned Behavior on Green Marketing Influence to Green Purchase Decision




green marketing, environmental concern, theory of planned behavior, green purchase decision


This study investigates the correlation between green marketing and consumer buying behaviour, with a specific focus on Garnier Men consumers in Semarang. A total of 162 participants, who were well-acquainted with Garnier Men products and had knowledge of green marketing, were chosen using purposive sampling. The study utilises Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with AMOS 24.0 software to analyse the data. The key findings suggest that green marketing has a considerable impact on consumer attitudes and subjective norms, but it does not have a direct effect on green purchase decisions. Attitudes, subjective standards, and perceived behavioural control were identified as key factors influencing green purchase behaviour. The report emphasises the necessity for organisations to prioritise these variables instead of exclusively depending on green marketing methods. Furthermore, the study emphasises the significance of providing concise and easily understandable information regarding the environmental effects of products. The research, however perceptive, is constrained to a particular demographic and product line, indicating that future research should encompass a wider array of age groups, professional backgrounds, and product categories in order to improve its generalizability.


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Author Biography

Taufiq Hidayat, Universitas Diponegoro

Hello, I'm Taufiq Hidayat, currently pursuing my academic journey at Universitas Diponegoro. My passion lies in the realm of marketing management, with a specific focus on social media marketing and green marketing. My expertise revolves around understanding consumer behavior in digital platforms and crafting sustainable marketing strategies. Currently, my research activities delve into exploring the intersection between social media marketing and environmental sustainability, aiming to develop innovative approaches for promoting eco-friendly products and initiatives.


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