Early detection model of Parkinson's Disease using Random Forest Method on voice frequency data
Parkinson’s Diseases, Voice Frequency, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Random Forest.Abstract
Parkinson's disease is the most common nervous system disease that affects all ethnicities, genders, and ages, with a higher prevalence in the elderly and men. Developing countries tend to have higher cases of Parkinson's. The prevalence of death due to Parkinson's in Indonesia reaches the fifth highest cases in Asia and 12th in the world. This neurodegenerative disease affects a person's ability to control movement. Currently, the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease is only based on observation of motor symptoms. Therefore, early detection of the disease cannot be done. His paper proposes an efficient way to detect Parkinson's disease symptoms by comparing the fundamental frequencies of patients' voices using the random forest method. Random forest is a Machine Learning method that applies the ensemble concept, which aims to improve the performance of the classification by combining several decision trees as a basis. Random forests have shown superior algorithm performance in numerous health studies. In this study, the dataset consisted of 20 patients with Parkinson's and 20 normal patients. Data for each patient was taken from 26 types of voice records, and thus, the total data was 1,040 observations. The obtained data is prepared by filtering and rescaling. Then, the data is split and modelled using the Random Forest Method. The random forest model obtained accuracy results of 72.50%, precision (normal) of 72.28%, precision (Parkinson's) of 72.73%, sensitivity (normal) of 73.00%, sensitivity (Parkinson's) of 72.00% and AUC is 80.70%. The built random forest model is quite good at Parkinson's disease detection.
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