Military and school personnel psychological states amidst the Pandemic: A Kruskal-Wallis comparative analysis


  • Aldwin Roy L. Fernandez Florentino Cayco Memorial School Graduate Studies, School of Education, Arellano University, Manila, Philippines
  • Hanna Grace Laud-Iligan Florentino Cayco Memorial School Graduate Studies, School of Education, Arellano University, Manila, Philippines
  • Cesar Chester O. Relleve Florentino Cayco Memorial School Graduate Studies, School of Education, Arellano University, Manila, Philippines



Compassion, burnout, stress, mental health, belas kasih, kelelahan, stres, kesehatan mental


Purpose – This study aims to determine the Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress among Military and School Personnel.

Method - Quantitative descriptive-comparative research design was used.  There are 147 respondents participated in this study.

Result - Compassion Satisfaction levels of Military-Enlisted and Teaching Personnel were Average, while for the Military-Officer and Non-Teaching School Personnel were High; Burnout for the Military-Enlisted and Teaching Personnel were both Average, while the Military-Officer and Non-Teaching School Personnel were both low; and the Secondary Traumatic Stress was Low for the Military-Officer and Average to other three groups of respondents. Significant differences manifested after employing the parametric test MANOVA and non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis.  Post Hoc test was employed in order to identify the specific significant differences.

Implication – The researchers have identified significant pattern and trends that contribute to the understanding of comparison, personnel who are less often directly exposed to the clients have better Psychological States descriptively.

Originality - This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the areas of Compassion, Burnout and Stress   experienced by militaries and educators in the conduct of their respective public services.


Tujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kepuasan Belas Kasih, Burnout, dan Stres Trauma Sekunder di antara Personel Militer dan Sekolah, serta untuk membandingkan kondisi-kondisi psikologis tersebut.

Metode - Desain penelitian deskriptif-komparatif kuantitatif digunakan.   Ada 147 responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini.

Hasil - Tingkat Kepuasan Belas Kasih pada Tamtama Militer dan Tenaga Pengajar tergolong sedang, sedangkan pada Perwira Militer dan Tenaga Kependidikan tergolong tinggi; Burnout pada Tamtama Militer dan Tenaga Pengajar tergolong sedang, sedangkan pada Perwira Militer dan Tenaga Kependidikan tergolong rendah; dan Stres Traumatis Sekunder tergolong rendah pada Tamtama Militer dan tergolong sedang pada tiga kelompok responden lainnya.  Perbedaan yang signifikan terlihat setelah menggunakan uji parametrik MANOVA dan non parametrik Kruskal-Wallis.  Uji Post Hoc digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan signifikan yang spesifik,

Implikasi - Para peneliti telah mengidentifikasi pola dan tren signifikan yang berkontribusi pada pemahaman perbandingan, personel yang lebih jarang terpapar langsung dengan klien memiliki kondisi psikologis yang lebih baik secara deskriptif.

Orisinalitas - Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada pengetahuan yang sudah ada di bidang Welas Asih, Kelelahan dan Stres yang dialami oleh militer dan pendidik dalam melaksanakan layanan publik masing-masing.


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