Fiki Nuafi Qurrota Aini*    -  Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
Ahmad Luqman Hakim  -  King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia

(*) Corresponding Author

A solar eclipse is an unusual natural occurrence. Muslims used the phenomenon of a solar eclipse as the season for prayer, which was only carried out during a solar eclipse from early in the phenomenon until the end. Although there is no statistically significant difference in estimating a solar eclipse, as the seasons change, a solar eclipse becomes increasingly important. Lots of alternatives can be used as a reference in the determination of a solar eclipse. Among the alternatives commonly used is the calculation of spherical astronomy. Despite its complexity, many people still use it as the foundation for calculations based on solar eclipse Pythagoras as well as the determination of the celestial coordinate system. 

Keywords: solar eclipse, spherical astronomy, W.M. Smart

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Al-Hilal: Journal of Islamic Astronomy
Published by Faculty of Sharia and Law Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang in collaboration with Asosiasi Dosen Falak Indonesia (ADFI)
Jl Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus III Ngaliyan Semarang 50185
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