Reflection of Al-Ghazali’s business ethics for tax consultants
tax, ethics, business, Al-GhazaliAbstract
Purpose - The purpose of this study was to explore the application of the values of Al-Ghazali Islamic business ethics to tax consultants in Indonesia and to compare them with the Indonesian Tax Consultant Professional Code of Ethics.
Method - This research approach uses phenomenology. There were 3 informants interviewed in the study consisting of tax consultants who are Muslim in Indonesia, fiscal authorities who are Muslim in Indonesia, and experts in the Islamic religion.
Result - This research gives the result that the principle of integrity can be expanded in terms of its definition and meaning with the mujahadah component in Al-Mizan, so that the integrity referred to here is trying to keep away bad traits that are prohibited in Islam. Moreover, on the concept of al ihya', tax consultants have a main orientation to profit and the motivation to help taxpayers is still limited to improving the image of their consulting services business.
Implication - The concept of Islamic Business Ethics by Al-Ghazali is a broader and deeper ethic so it is very appropriate if it is adapted to the Indonesian Tax Consultant Code of Ethics, especially regarding responsibility and motivation as servants of God.
Originality - This research is the first study that used a phenomenological approach in uncovering the reflection of the concept of Islamic business ethics by Al-Ghazali on the implementation of a tax consultant's code of ethics.Downloads
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