The Dynamic of Muslim Identity In Multicultural Politic of Australia


  • M. Mukhsin Jamil Faculty of Theology and Humanity, State Islamic University of Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia
  • Solihan Solihan State Islamic University of Walisongo, Semarang,, Indonesia
  • Ahwan Fanani State Islamic University of Walisongo, Semarang,, Indonesia



Key Word, Conflict Resolution, Identity, Minority, Multicultural Politic


This research aims to explore the dynamic of Muslim Identities in a multicultural context. Taking Brisbane as a research locus, the research investigates modes of conflict resolution that are enacted in a Muslim minority area by considering the operation of Islam and Islamic modes negotiating identity within the wider society. The prime concern of the research based on the questions of how does the Muslim in Australia expresses their identity by developing the adaptation strategy as social action in a multicultural context?. Based on the questions, this article focused on the issues of the strategy of Muslim that used in responding to view and practices of multiculturalism. This research shows that Muslims in Australia have a wide variety of historical and social backgrounds. Amid Australia's multicultural politics, Australian Muslims have different responses to negotiate Islamic identity on the one hand and as Australian citizens on the other. The adaptation of Muslim in Australia then ranges from a moderate pattern, accepting a secular culture, to being reactionary as the impact of the feeling of being marginalized people as a “stepchild” in Australian citizenship.


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Author Biography

M. Mukhsin Jamil, Faculty of Theology and Humanity, State Islamic University of Walisongo, Semarang

Islamic Studies, Contemporary Islamic Thought


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How to Cite

Jamil, M. M., Solihan, S., & Fanani, A. (2020). The Dynamic of Muslim Identity In Multicultural Politic of Australia. Jurnal Theologia, 31(2), 313–338.


