
  • Masrohan Masrohan





The Qur'an is the Book of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad to all
men. In it God greets sense and human feelings, teaches monotheism to man, to purify man with a variety of worship, showing man the things that can bring
good and welfare of the individual and social life of man, guiding people to the
religion of the sublime that manifest themselves, develop personality humans, as well as increasing the level of human beings to human perfection. Thus, man
can realize the happiness in the world and the hereafter. The Qur'an also
encourages people to reflect about himself, the wonders of creation and the
accuracy of its creation. Therefore, the introduction of man against himself can
deliver to ma'rifatillah The Qur'an also contains clues about human nature and
the nature of the psychological state associated with the formation of a true
picture of human personality, the main motivation that drives human behavior,
and the factors which underlying harmony and perfection of the human
personality and the realization of human mental health.

Keywoard: hakikat, manusia, al-Qur’an, insān, al-nās, bashar


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