madrasah swasta, orientasi pembelajaran, motivasi kerja, komitmen, kinerjaAbstract
A combination of the research by Asatuan (2004) and Kiuk (2007), gave a model for empowerment to private institutions like madrasah to become qualified institutions that can take part in education development in order to educate people through learning orientation, motivation and commitment as well as to improve the performance of private madrasah. Applying the combination the two research scheme, this research aims to determine the influence of (1) orientation on performance of private madrasah, (2) motivation of working on performance of private madrasah, (3) commitment to the performance of the private madrasah. The results showed that (1) Learning orientation affect the performance of the private madrasah, (2) Motivation of working affected the performance of private madrasah, (3) Commitment affected to the performance of private madrasah.
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