Published: 2024-07-31

Ki Ratmiko Siswo Carito’s Shadow Puppet Art in Forming Islamic Cultural Identity in Banyumas, Central Java: Holistic-Integrative Fiqh Perspective

Muh. Hanif, Fatimah Azzahra Karimah, Abdul Wachid Bambang Suharto, Shohibul Adib


Abstract View: 748 PDF Download: 335

Religious Moderation on Food and Environmental Balance: Local Practices of Muslims and Confucians in Pontianak, West Kalimantan

Samsul Hidayat, Wen Haiming, Yesica Cukarestu, Chandra Setiawan


Abstract View: 475 PDF Download: 195

Larung Sesaji at Ngebel Lake: Dialectics of ‘Urf with Local Culture from the Perspective of Ulama in Ponorogo, East Java

Shofwan Al Jauhari, Rifqi As'adah, Alyasura Maulana Zuvy Ahwani, Muhammad Solikhudin


Abstract View: 85 PDF Download: 80

Building a Fortress of Faith in East Indonesia: Islamic Religious Education for Muallaf Family in Abun Tribe, Tambrauw, Southwest Papua

Indria Nur, Samsul Rizal, Sukman Sukman, Fardan Abdillah


Abstract View: 0 PDF Download: 21