Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth*  -  State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Walisongo, Semarang, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author

This research has the purposes to reveal the patterns of conflict caused by religious conversion among Chinese Muslim in Semarang, the patterns of conflict resolution applied among them, and their view on the conflict resolutions applied. Applying the methods of interviewing using structured interview guidance, participation observation, and deep interview, it was revealed that there are five kinds of conflict come out of conversion: indifference, teasing allusion, rude speaking, rejection, and hostile. Meanwhile there are three ways found in resolving conflict caused by religious conversion: to let the conflict goes on and resolved by time, to explain the problem related to Islam, and to go out from family circle. Based on the varieties in resolving the conflict, it is revealed that the community tends to approve the peace way in solving any problem, otherwise it will break the value the community hold, harmony.


Keywords: konflik; resolusi konflik; konversi agama; Cina Muslim; harmoni

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Institute for Research and Community Services (LP2M)
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Jl. Prof. Hamka - Kampus 3, Tambakaji Ngaliyan 50185, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
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