Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023): Bioeduca : Journal of Biology Education
Development of Student Worksheets Based on Problem Based Learning on Excretory System Material for Grade XI Senior High School
Abstract View: 657 PDF Download: 532 -
Development of Biology E-Module Based on POGIL in Virus and Bacteria Material to Train HOTS X Graders of Senior High School
Abstract View: 544 PDF Download: 423 -
Interactive Powerpoint Nervous System Material: A Learning Media Development Research
Abstract View: 552 PDF Download: 344 -
Increasing Students' Creative Thinking Through Differentiated Learning with an CRT-Integrated PjBL Model
Abstract View: 563 PDF Download: 452 -
Integrated Paired Literacy Model Problem-Based Learning to Improve Biology Learning Outcomes
Abstract View: 418 PDF Download: 285 -
Development STEM E-Booklet Curug Winong Fern Plants as a Student Learning Resource
Abstract View: 480 PDF Download: 265 -
The Effect of a Project-Based Learning Model on Learning Outcomes and Collaboration Skills
Abstract View: 659 PDF Download: 465