Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): December
Author Geographical Coverage: Indonesia, Nigeria
Original Research Articles
Red Ginger oleoresin nanoemulsion characteristics by ultrasonication
Abstract View: 519 PDF Download: 493 -
Fermion mass formulation in the Modified Left-Right Symmetry Model
Abstract View: 327 PDF Download: 249 -
Bioplastic from Cassava peel and eggshell waste
Abstract View: 1114 PDF Download: 1685 -
The inhibition of Fusarium wilt in Chili by Endophytic Fungi isolated from Green Betel (Piper betle L.) Leaf
Abstract View: 551 PDF Download: 404 -
Second kind Chebyshev collocation technique for Volterra-Fredholm fractional order integro-differential equations
Abstract View: 291 PDF Download: 209 -
Fixed point results in α, β partial b-metric spaces using C-contraction type mapping and its generalization
Abstract View: 834 PDF Download: 291 -
Complete purely algebraic proof of the homomorphism between SU(2) and SO(3) without concerning their topological properties
Abstract View: 209 PDF Download: 173