Identification of alteration zone and gold mineralization based on magnetic anomaly and 3D model of geomagnetic satellite data inversion of Mount Pongkor Area, West Java
alteration, Mount Pongkor, geomagnetic method, mineralizationAbstract
Mount Pongkor is one of the areas in Indonesia with the largest gold mineralization potential in Java. One of the geophysical methods to identify the distribution of gold mineralization zones is the geomagnetic method that utilizes magnetic properties in the subsurface due to the influence of rock magnetization. Geomagnetic research has been conducted at Mount Pongkor, Bogor Regency, West Java with an area of 22 x 17 km as much as 793 magnetic satellite data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website that has been corrected daily. This study aims to determine the distribution of alteration zones and mineralization of the study area. The results showed that the RTP map shows the distribution of magnetic anomalies ranging from -4.786 – 4.663 nT, with high anomalies in the north-south direction associated with mineralization zones with anomaly values ranging from 1.881 – 4.663 nT and low anomalies in the north-south direction associated with rock alteration zones with anomaly values ranging from -4,786 - (-2.174) nT. In the 3D inversion model, the alteration zone has an average depth of 350 - 2600 m from topography with susceptibility contrast values ranging from -0.35 - (- 0.25) SI and the mineralization zone has an average depth of 350 - 2800 m from topography with susceptibility contrast values of 0.25 - 0.35 SI.
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