Ethical Clearance
Ethical Clearance
Considering that research within the scope of JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) involves human participation, every submitted article should meet the ethical clearance principles, including:
- Respecting human dignity and integrity
- Ensuring honesty and transparency toward research subjects
- Respecting individual autonomy and obtaining free and informed consent (as well as assent whenever relevant)
- Protecting vulnerable individuals
- Ensuring privacy and confidentiality
- Promoting justice and inclusiveness
- Minimizing harm and maximizing benefit
- Sharing the benefits with disadvantaged populations, especially if the research is being carried out in developing countries
- Respecting and protecting the environment and future generations.
This ethical clearance is needed especially for research involving humans with ‘High Risk’ (vulnerable groups, namely children, refugees, irregular migrants, sex workers, people with cognitive impairments, dissidents, traumatized people at risk of re-traumatization; and people in dependent relationships with the researcher or the research team). Further details regarding this matter can be accessed from European Commission, "Ethics in Social Science and Humanities" (click here).
The required documents can be downloaded from "Kliren Etik BRIN" in the section ‘Formulir Social Humanities’ (click here). These documents should be submitted in the ‘Supplementary File’ section.
For research under the ‘Negligible Risk’ (no human involvement/using secondary data) or ‘Low Risk’ (subjects and research issues are not “sensitive”) category, such documents are not required. However, the authors must submit a signed checklist proving that their research is in the Low Risk/Negligible Risk category. For an example of checklists, please click here.