The Transformation of Radical Movement in Yogyakarta post-2019 Presidential Election

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Putri Hergianasari
Kurniawan Netanyahu


Radical movements colored the 2019 Elections, especially the dichotomy of the Jokowi and Prabowo camps. This phenomenon also occurs among the people of Yogyakarta after the 2019 Presidential Election. This research aims to map the transformation of fundamentalist groups in Yogyakarta after the 2019 Presidential Election. The focus of the study is on the transformation of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) after the 2019 Presidential Election. Applying qualitative descriptive methods with the analysis of the theory of social resource mobilization this research results showed that the transformation of the radical movement that formerly took the anarchist forms and down to the streets, now is more focused and organized by entering the community through religious education and recitation groups, both in universities and at household meetings. This research concludes that in order not to be parallel to HTI, which the government dissolved, the transformation of tranquillity is one way to maintain the existence of radical organizations but in a more friendly framework or guise. All of these resource mobilization movements take the form of informal social networks.


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Hergianasari, P., & Netanyahu, K. (2021). The Transformation of Radical Movement in Yogyakarta post-2019 Presidential Election. JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo), 5(1), 93–108.


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