Journal Information
Journal Title | Alsina: Journal of Arabic Studies |
Short Title | Alsina |
Abbreviation | Alsina J. Arab. Stud. |
Language | Indonesian, Arabic, and English |
Management Style | Open Access |
Subject Areas | Arabic Language Teaching and Learning |
Publisher | Arabic Learning Department, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Kependidikan, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Semarang - Indonesia |
Frequency | 2 issues every year (February and August) |
DOI Prefix | 10.21580/alsina by |
ISSN | 2622-6146 (online); 2622-6138 (printed) |
Editor-in-Chief | Naifah |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar l Dimension | More... |
Alsina : Journal of Arabic Studies is a research-based language learning journal published by the Arabic Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education, Walisongo State Islamic University (UIN) Semarang. This journal dedicated to research on teaching and learning a first, second, and foreign language. It aims to publish original research articles (ORA) contributing to all aspects of language learning, with a particular preference for studies combining theory and practice. This journal specializes in Arabic learning, theories, and thoughts in general, and also welcomes submissions on the foreign language acquisition, foreign language teaching and learning, foreign language skills, linguistics and literature of arabic language learning, foreign language learning and identity, translation and language learning, gender and equality in English language learning. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines. In the long run, this journal is expected to have a positive impact on individuals and the community.
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Vol 5, No 2 (2023)
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Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab
Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Walisongo Semarang
Jl. Prof. Hamka Ngaliyan Semarang 50181