The Meaning of the Sakinah Family in Couples with HIV/AIDS and its relevance to Islamic family counseling guidance


  • Maryatul Kibtyah Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
  • Fiyan Tika Nurrochmah Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia



Sakinah Family, HIV/AIDS, Islamic Family Counseling Guidance.


Purpose – This study aims to determine the meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation and its relevance to Islamic family counseling guidance.

Method – The type of research used is qualitative with a grounded theory approach. This research uses interview, observation, and documentation research methods.

Result – Thus, the meaning of the sakinah family for couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation is a family that is as it is, harmonious, always together, principled, happy, calm, peaceful, and a role model. The meaning of the sakinah family is by the concept of the sakinah family that it has values that are following the QS. Ar-Rum verse 21. Although the verse does not clearly explain in detail what the sakinah family itself is, other verses provide instructions in realizing this goal. The meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS can also be used as the first step in the process of forming a sakinah family for couples at the Jepara Plus Foundation through Islamic family guidance and counseling. In detail, the relevance between the meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation and Islamic family guidance and counseling lies in the essence, principles, goals, and functions of Islamic family guidance and counseling.

Implications – This study the impact on the development of Islamic family guidance and counseling services at the Jepara Plus Foundation in creating a sakinah family for its members.

Originilaty – This study focuses on finding a theory about the meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation.


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