Vol. 44 No. 1 (2024)
Author geographical coverage: Indonensia, Turkey, Malaysia, Thailand
Analyzing big data of da'wah manuscripts based on Dimensions: Mapping research on da'wah on social media
Abstract View: 393 PDF Download: 396 -
The Identity of Ba Alawi women islamic communicators: Najwa Shihab and Halimah Alaydrus as models
Abstract View: 402 PDF Download: 186 -
Countering radicalism: Text analysis on online da’wah in Indonesia
Abstract View: 767 PDF Download: 165 -
Muslim community communication through cross-religious social interaction in the Mardika market Ambon, Moluccas
Abstract View: 399 PDF Download: 117 -
Transforming da'wah strategies during the Pandemic: Addressing religious community resistance to health protocols
Abstract View: 296 PDF Download: 162 -
Da’wah management in halal tourism development: Implementing Pentahelix Synergy and the ACES 3.0 framework
Abstract View: 295 PDF Download: 102 -
Transformation of the Da'wah Strategy of the NIDA Institute of Pesantren Mudi Mesra Aceh in facing the Digitalisation Era
Abstract View: 324 PDF Download: 99 -
Da'wah strategy of the Indonesian Ulema Council in broadcasting wasathiyah islamic values in Wonogiri
Abstract View: 304 PDF Download: 147 -
Transformation of digital da'wah as an instrument for enhancing social welfare
Abstract View: 329 PDF Download: 153 -
Tuan Guru's communication strategy in resolving religious ideological conflict in Lombok, Indonesia
Abstract View: 292 PDF Download: 93 -
Adaptation of Wayang Mahabharata characters and stories to Islamic dakwah
Abstract View: 324 PDF Download: 165 -
Implications of the Meeting of religion and new media for contemporary da'wah in Indonesia
Abstract View: 217 PDF Download: 137