Daluang: Journal of Library and Information Science is published by UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo with p-issn 2797-3131 and e-issn 2797-3182. This journal publishes articles focusing on problems and issues concerning to library and information science. This journal provides opportunities for authors to present the results of original research articles, review articles, and best practice in Digital Library and Repositories, Documentation System, Information and Media Preservation, Information Policy, Information Services, Library and information technology, Library Management, Media and Information Literacy, Organization of Information, Scholarly Communication, Scientometrics.
This journal will be published in January-June and July-December (twice a year). Articles received will be double-blind review. Decision on manuscript accepted or not is decided by the Editor in Chief based on the comments of reviewers in the forum session of the Board of Editors.
Librarian, experts in library technology, university lecturers and students in librarianship, researcher in librarianship, and other professionals are very welcome to write in our journal.
Please see our Author Guidelines for more information on article submission. If you require further information or help, feel free to contact us.