Transforming Community Welfare: Lessons from Jogokariyan Mosque's Approach




Mosque, Jogokariyan, Ummah Economic, Social Welfare


The research was conducted to analyze the role of programs to increase the independency and prosperity of community held by the Jogokariyan Mosque in Special Region of Yogyakarta.PQualitative method with the approach of Interactive Model Analysis was used along with the observation during the period of January, 2022 until March 2022. The study showed that Jogokariyan Mosque conducted programs in field of social, economic, health, education and covid-19 pandemic handling. Jogokariyan Mosque’s programs could be used as a lesson learned on how a mosque could improve its role in the community to accelerated the increase of community prosperity.


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Author Biographies

Taufik Hidayat, National Research and Innovation Agency


Kodar Hudiwasono, National Research and Innovation Agency


Rieny Fadhilah Rahmi, National Research and Innovation Agency


Cahya Ningrum, National Research and Innovation Agency


Basdi Ati, National Research and Innovation Agency



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How to Cite

Hidayat, T., Hudiwasono, K., Rahmi, R. F., Ningrum, C., & Ati, B. (2023). Transforming Community Welfare: Lessons from Jogokariyan Mosque’s Approach. Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 14(2).


