
  • Muhammad Saifullah IAIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia




Ethics, morality, Business, Muhammad, Behaviour, and Economics


Reviewing the history of Muhammad’s behavior and business ethics before being appointed as a prophet is an interesting study, because Muhammad’s behavior and business ethics were based on the study of Quran verses. Once appointed to be prophet at the age of 40, the prophet Muhammad’s
life was guided by the revelations of the Qur’an which came down to him. Meanwhile, before being appointed to the prophet, his life was purely as ordinary human beings, struggling with the social reality of ignorant people. His profession as a shepherd and merchant were experiences that he gained during adolescence age. Although Halima al Sa’diyah and Abu Talib are poor but both of them had a big influence in shaping his personal character. Therefore, this study is aimed to determine what factors were becoming the background of Muhammad to be perpetrator of business and
how the ethics business is done to develop his business. The results obtained from this study show that the factors that encourage Muhammad became businessmen during the time before appointed to be prophet include geographical factors, economic factors, family encouragement factor, and factor of married to Khadija. While the business ethics include being honest, trustworthy, accurate in weighing, avoid the trick, not hoard the goods, do not do deceit, and uphold mutual benefit
principle between the seller and buyer. Experience and ethics that made by Muhammad in the business world before he was appointed to the prophet were legitimized by the Prophet Muhammad as his sunnah after he was appointed to prophet, beside some sunnahs made and carried out at specified time after bearing the Prophet.


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How to Cite

Saifullah, M. (2016). KAJIAN SEJARAH : ETIKA BISNIS DALAM PRAKTEK MAL BISNIS MUHAMMAD. Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam, 1(2), 27–46. https://doi.org/10.21580/economica.2010.1.2.840




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