Indigenous Counseling: Suphistic Counseling Practices in Pesantren
Indigenous Counseling, Suphistic Counseling, PesantrenAbstract
One problem in the implementation of counseling in Indonesia is related to cultural bias. This is because counseling theories originally derive from theories based on Western cultural values. Indigenous counseling with a Sufistic approach is one way to address this cultural bias. This research aims to deeply explore counseling practices in Islamic boarding schools (pesantren) and the Sufistic values in their counseling services. The study is a qualitative-exploratory descriptive-research using a qualitative-ethnographic-interpretive approach. Data collection techniques involve participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The findings of this research indicate significant differences in characteristics between professional counseling (western) and counseling in pesantren, including inequality between counselors and clients (unequal relationship). Moreover, their relationship is likened to that of a father and son, appearing as a superior-inferior relationship. The Sufistic values applied in counseling services include humility (tawadu), obedience to the advice of the kyai as a counselor, limiting the principle of client confidentiality, and providing solutions directly through advice and religious prayers (wirid). Further research can be conducted to measure the effectiveness of Sufistic values in counseling services in pesantren.
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