The Religious Moderation in Kei Community, Maluku Indonesia: Upholds Local Wisdom, Religion, and Nationality as Vital Aspects
Culture, Kei Community, Local Wisdom, Nationality, ReligionAbstract
Religiosity experiences moderation through encounters with sublime local cultures inherent in the Kei community in Maluku, Indonesia. This makes it worthy of research, especially regarding the integration of custom and religion. Kei culture was formed by the collective memory of their ancestors from Bali, Java, Banten, and other tribes in the archipelago. Conflicting gaps may arise due to paradoxes in cultural and religious life. This paper highlights the paradoxes and gaps between religious egalitarianism and traditional authority structures. It reports on interviews conducted with religious and traditional leaders, social and religious practitioners, and observations made during customary and religious activities in the Kei Islands. Data shows that religious followers' attitudes towards culture have a different quality. However, inclusion through traditional ceremonies is still maintained but the caste layer in custom has internal religious affairs. Likewise, in terms of national life, they have self-meaning as an open society. This paper concludes that accepting customary law can potentially create distortions and exacerbate the problem of changing diversity in life. If customs are managed well, they may stay within and outside the Kei community. Further research is necessary to explore how to rejuvenate the connection between traditional law and religion each time.
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List of Interview Informants
A K, 2019. Tual City Religious Leaders, Interviewed 19 Septermber 2019
A R, 2019. Religious Leaders from Kei Besar, Head of Subdivision of TU Ministry of Religion of Tual City, 11 October 2019
Badu, 2019. Hindu Adherents, Chair of PHDI Tual City, original Kei Tribe from Tanimbar Kei, 13 October 2019
C T, 2019. Traditional Leaders, Head of Taar Village, Interviewed 9, 13 October 2019
E S, 2019. Customary Leaders and NGO Practitioners from Kei Besar, Interview on 11 October 2019
H K, 2019. Kei Youth Leaders, Early on October 12, 2019
H K, 2019. Head of the Ministry of Religion of Tual City, interviewed October 8, 2019
J T K, 2019. Religious and customary figures from Tayanto City of Tual. Interviewed October 9, 2019
K D, 2019. Traditional Leaders in Langgur, Interviewed October 10, 2019
R F, 2019. Customary Chairperson, Chair of the King Association in Kei, Langgur, Interviewed October 10, 2019
Zn, 2019. Officials at the Office of the National Unity and Politics Agency of the City Government of Tual, Interviewed September 13, 2019
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