The Effect of Learning Models Problem Based Learning mediate Digital Flipbook Against Learning Outcomes Student Class XI on Acid-Base Material

Bika Friska Natalia Br Tarigan*  -  Universitas Negeri Medan

(*) Corresponding Author

Study This aim For know influence use of learning models Problem Based Learning assisted by Digital Flipbook media to results Study students and find out difference motivation Study students being studied with Digital Flipbook media using learning models Problem Based Learning on the material sour base class XI at SMA Negeri 1 Pancur Batu. Retrieval technique the sample used in the study This is random sampling that is method taking sample in a manner random . Design used is Quasi experimental non-equivalent type Control Group Design . Research sample is student class XI-MIA 3 and XI-MIA 4 totaling 60 people . Study This using test instruments as many as 20 items question choice double and 20 non- test instruments that is questionnaire motivation Study student . Hypothesis test using the side t test right with results study obtained mark tcount > t table ie 26.51 > 1.70, meaning there is enhancement results Study chemistry students being studied with the PBL model assisted by Digital Flipbook media on the material sour base class XI received at level significance of 5%. Two- sided t test For see difference motivation Study chemistry students being studied with Digital Flipbook media using a learning model Problem Based Learning on the material sour base class XI which if sig < α 0.05 states that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected so that there is difference motivation Study student .
Keywords : Digital Flipbook, PBL , Acid - Base, Learning Outcomes , Motivation Study .

Keywords: Keywords : Digital Flipbook, PBL , Acid - Base, Learning Outcomes , Motivation Study .

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Journal of Educational Chemistry (JEC)
Published by Chemistry Education Department of Science and Technology Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
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