Physics Education Research Journal
Journal title | Physics Education Research Journal | ![]() |
Initials | PERJ | |
Abbreviation | Phy. Educ. Res. J. | |
Frequency | 2 issues per year | June - December | |
DOI | Prefix 10.21580/perj![]() |
ISSN | 2685-6190 (p) | 2714-7746 (e) registered in the ISSN International Centre | |
Editor-in-chief | Qisthi Fariyani | |
Archiving | Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP-PLN) - see the LOCKSS Publisher Manifest | |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |Dimensions| Citedness in Scopus | Sinta |

Physics Education Research Journal (PERJ) publishes original manuscripts by researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, and academicians related to physics and physics education. Articles that are integrated Unity of Sciences (local wisdom and enriched with the principle of religion and culture) will be prioritized. This journal is a peer-reviewed and open access journal, which is biannually published by Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang. This journal was first published in August 2019 and has been indexed by: Google Scholar, DOAJ, Mendeley, Road, Dimension, Moraref, Garuda, One Search, and Base. Being a CrossRef Member, all articles published by Physics Education Research Journal (PERJ) will have a unique DOI number.
Current Issue
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)
Author geographical coverage: Taiwan, Indonesia
Published: 2024-12-25
Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills in Elasticity and Hooke’s Law through Problem-Based Learning with PhET Media and Mechanics Kits
Abstract View: 74 pdf Download: 68Application of C-PBL (Context and Problem Based Learning) on Temperature and Heat Materials to Transform Students' Mental Models
Abstract View: 59 pdf Download: 53Designing e-Book of Basic Physics Fluid Series with Assistant of Virtual Laboratory to Improve Critical Thinking Skills
Abstract View: 82 pdf Download: 83The Practicality of Interactive Multimedia Based on Scientific Approach in Pascal's Law Material for High School Students
Abstract View: 80 pdf Download: 45Design and Implementation of Siprakfis (Physics Laboratory Practical Management Information System) to Optimize Practical Services in Higher Education
Abstract View: 63 pdf Download: 50Analysis of Various Contexts of Difficulties Experienced by Students in Learning Physics
Abstract View: 83 pdf Download: 54Tilt Building (TB) Gun-an Arduino Nano Based Device for Detecting Building Inclination
Abstract View: 48 pdf Download: 34