Counter-Discourse on The Criticism of Ibn Rushd Toward al-Ghazali
God's knowledge, nature’s immortality, and physical resurrection.Abstract
Al-Ghazali's intellectuality and capabilities have been recognized worldwide until he was nicknamed H{ujjatul Isla>m. Therefore, if there are people who refute his thinking in many ways, then the refutation needs to be investigated further. In this case, Ibn Rushd rejected and blamed al-Ghazali's criticism of the peculiarities of the philosophers on three things, namely the nature’s immortality, God's knowledge, and physical resurrection. This study aims to find a clear position regarding the controversial discussion between Ibn Rushd and al-Ghazali. Both had different views on these three issues. This qualitative discussion with a critical hermeneutic approach presents various analyzes of the arguments of the two figures, especially concerning Ibn Rushd's criticism toward al-Ghazali. This study resulted in a conclusion that Ibn Rushd's criticism toward al-Ghazali can be said to still have gaps in his argumentation. When Ibn Rushd presented a proposition in the form of verses of the Qur'an, the verse he delivered supported al-Ghazali's opinion if analyzed in more depth, and was cross-checked with other verses.Downloads
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