Vol. 31 No. 1 (2020)
Implementing The Spirit of Jihad in Sufism
Abstract View: 871 PDF Download: 380 -
Liberation Theology According to Abdurrahman Wahid and Gustavo Gutierrez
Abstract View: 728 PDF Download: 325 -
Tarekat and Work Ethos of Muslim Businesses (Study of Work Ethics Based on Sufism)
Abstract View: 535 PDF Download: 272 -
Teori Makna dalam Struktur Linguistik Arab Perspektif Mufasir Masa Klasik
Abstract View: 1172 PDF Download: 646 -
Living Teologi: Religiusitas dan Hubungan Sosial Pedagang Kaki Lima
Abstract View: 906 PDF Download: 385 -
Islam Wasatiyah dan Kontestasi Wacana Moderatisme Islam di Indonesia
Abstract View: 1757 PDF Download: 2639 -
Film Islami Sebagai Model Interpretasi atas Al-Qur'an dan Hadis: Kasus Film Ayat Tentang Cinta
Abstract View: 1829 PDF Download: 1511