Production of Hand Washing Soap from Ethanol Extract of Fern (Pteridophyta), Nampong Leaves (Siegesbeckia orientalis) and Thistle Plants (Calotropis gigantea)


  • Nuris Silvia Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia
  • Shovi Amila Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia



hand washing soap, fern plants (Pteridophyta), spirulina, hot process method


Soap is an ingredient that comes from natural oils or fats reacting with caustic soda in the process known as lathering or saponification. Hand washing soap from fern (Pteridophyta) as the main ingredient is one of the antiseptic soaps that will be made, by comparing the drug Spirulina to determine the level of anti-bacteria produced. This study uses a hot process method with a soap heating time of about 20 minutes and a heating temperature of around 80°C. The results of testing the quality of hand washing soap as an antiseptic that meets the test standards are organoleptic test, acidity test (pH), foam resistance level test, and skin irritation test. So it's good to use as a hand sanitizer to get rid of bacteria and germs. 

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Author Biographies

Nuris Silvia, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Science and Technology

Shovi Amila, Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Science and Technology


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