Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from River Moss and Seaweed to Increase the Growth of Mustard Soft Stem Plants
Growth, Liquid Organic Fertilizer, Seaweed, MossAbstract
The 21st century development of plants in the agribusiness and agro-industry sectors, one form of agricultural agribusiness is mustard cultivation. However, in general, this cultivation still uses artificial chemical plants which have a negative impact if used continuously for plants, soil, and consumers. Seaweed besides being able to be consumed by the body, it can also be used as a liquid organic base. The content of seaweed in the form of calcium, manganese and potassium can actually increase plant growth. This study aims to determine the effect of liquid fertilizer applied by researchers on the growth of mustard plants. The method used is to make fertilizer made from seaweed and river moss. Giving liquid fertilizer to mustard plants with various percentages and measuring the height of mustard plants every 5 days for 25 days. The results showed that the application of organic fertilizer with seaweed as the base material could increase the growth of mustard plants. Seaweed-based fertilizers contain K2O which can stimulate growth hormone growth. This is evidenced by the difference in plants given liquid fertilizer made from seaweed and river moss.Downloads
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