Citedness in Scopus-indexed Journals

JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) was first published in 2017 and has been cited 19 times from 15 secondary documents by Scopus-indexed journals (update: 17 March 2023).


NoJSW's articlesCited by
1 Jubba H., Rustan A.S., Juhansar J. 2018. Kompromi Islam dan adat pada praktik keagamaan Muslim Bugis di Sulawesi SelatanJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
2(2), pp. 137-148 - cited 3 times

Hasan, H., Jubba, H., Abdullah, I., Pabbajah, M., Rahman R, A. 2022. Londo iha: Elopement and bride kidnapping amongst the Muslims of Monta, Bima, Indonesia, Cogent Social Sciences 8(1),2023973

Pabbajah, M., Abdullah, I., Jubba, H., Taufiq Hidayat Pabbajah, M., Said, Z. 2021. Pilgrimage to bawakaraeng mountain among the Bugis-Makassar in Indonesia: A contestation between islamic identity and local tradition. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage 9(1), pp. 178-190

Jubba, H., Pabbajah, M., Prasodjo, Z.H., Qodir, Z. 2019. The future relations between the majority and minority religious groups, viewed from Indonesian contemporary perspective: A case study of the coexistence of Muslims and the Towani Tolotang in Amparita, South Sulawesi. International Journal of Islamic Thought 16, pp. 13-23

2 Putri, A. K., Sunesti, Y. 2021. Sharia Branding in Housing Context: A Study of Halal Lifestyle Representation. JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) 5, pp. 77-92 - cited 2 times

Taherifard, A. 2022. Shia Clerics, Holy Sites, and the Online Visual Culture of the Revolutionary Youth in Iran. Religions 13(6),542

Sunesti, Y., Putri, A.K. 2022. Sharia housing and millennials in Indonesia: Between religious and economic motives, HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 78(4),a7062

3 Laugu, N. 2019. Ideology Contestation in Management of University Library DevelopmentJSW. (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
3(2), pp. 179-194 - cited 2 times

Buhumaid, M. 2022. Approaching the impact of organisational culture on quality management practices using the competing values framework: the case study of Dubai government organisations. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 37(2), pp. 284-304

Agusta, A.S., Nurdin, L. 2021. Integrative Leadership Style of Libraries at Islamic Universities in Indonesia. Library Philosophy and Practice 2021, pp. 1-18

4 Busni D., Witro D., Purwaningsih R.F. 2021. The Reconstruction of Mental Revolution Concept towards COVID-19. (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
5(2), pp. 127-142- cited 1 time

Busni, D., Witro, D., Setiawan, I., Abdurrahman, N.H., Alghani, R. 2022. Implementation of the Hybrid Contract Concept in Multiservice Ijarah Financing as a Financing Alternative Health Service in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Juris: Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah, 21(1), pp. 11-26

5 Setiadi, S. 2021. Getting Married is a Simple Matter: Early Marriage among Indonesian Muslim Girls in Rural Areas of JavaJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
5(2), pp. 143-154 - cited 1 time
Nurhayati, S.R., Setiawati, F.A., Adira, N. 2023. A Typology of Marital Quality among Javanese People. Journal of Family Issues
6 Hamudy, N. A., Hamudy, M.. Ilham A. 2020. Hijrah Movement in Indonesia: Shifting Concept and Implementation in ReligiosityJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
4(2), pp. 133-150 - cited 1 time
Thohri, M., Hadisaputra, P. 2022. Urban Sufism of the Kopiah Community in Jayapura. Ulumuna 26(1), pp. 1-22
7 Yuana, A. S., Kholifah, S., Anas, M. 2020. Mekanisme survival petani “gurem” pada masa pandemi COVID-19. JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) 4(2), pp. 201-214 - cited 1 time Pieter, L.A.G., Utomo, M.M.B., Suhartono, S., (...), Hani, A., Siagian, C.M. 2022. The Nexus of COVID-19 Pandemic and Rural Agroforestry Farmers’ Livelihoods in Tasikmalaya Regency, East Priangan, Indonesia. Forest and Society 6(1), pp. 335-354
8 Salhuteru, A., Hutubessy, F. K. 2020. The Transformation of Noken Papua: Understanding the Dynamics of Noken’s Commodification as the Impact of UNESCO’s Heritage RecognitionJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) 4(2), pp. 151-164 - cited 1 time Nazir, F., Caldeira, A.M., Seabra, C. 2023. Heritage tourism and terrorism: media coverage of the destruction and rebuilding of Jahanabad Seated Buddha in Pakistan. Journal of Heritage Tourism
9 Sofyani, W.O.W. 2019. Sistem klasifikasi kelor dalam etnobotani masyarakat Wolio. JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) 3 (1), pp. 49-64 - cited 1 time Wuryandari, M.R.E., Atho'illah, M.F., Laili, R.D., (...), Widjajanto, E., Rifa'i, M. 2022. Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0137 fermented red Moringa oleifera exhibits protective effects in mice challenged with Salmonella typhi via TLR3/TLR4 inhibition and down-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 13(2),100531 
10 Mahanani, P.A.R., Abdullah, I., Noviani, R. 2019. Estetisasi jilbab Syar’i Jama’ah Salafi: Studi kasus di pondok pesantren Imam Muslim Kota KediriJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
3(1), pp. 65-78 - cited 1 time
Hasbullah, H., Wilaela, W., Masduki, M., Jamaluddin, J., Rosidi, I. 2022. Acceptance of the existence of salafi in the development of da’wah in Riau Islamic Malay society. Cogent Social Sciences 8(1),2107280
11 Mujibuddin, M., Zuliana, R. 2019. Post-sekulerisme Islam populis di IndonesiaJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
3(1), pp. 1-14 - cited 1 time
Hasanah, E., Ikhwan Al Badar, M., Ikhsan Al Ghazi, M. 2022. Factors That Drive the Choice of Schools for Children in Middle-Class Muslim Families in Indonesia: A Qualitative Study. Qualitative Report 27(5), pp. 1393-1409
12 Harnanto, R.A., Ummah, A.I., Rekavianti, E., Ratnasari, A. 2018. Gerakan masyarakat Kendeng, Rembang untuk keadilan dan penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia. JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) 2(1), pp. 1-16 - cited 1 time Amirudin, A. 2019. Environmental Issues in Journalism Coverage at the Suara Merdeka Newspaper. E3S Web of Conferences 125,02019
13 Soehadha, M. 2018Islam, Kristen, dan Aruh: Agama Baru dan Perubahan Agroekosistem Peladang Dayak Loksado, KalimantanJSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo)
2(1), pp. 83-102 - cited 1 time
Rezekiah, A.A., Ruslan, M., Kadir, S., Mahmud 2022. Vegetation composition and structure across land use types in a rotational cultivation system in Meratus Mountain, South Kalimantan, IndonesiaBiodiversitas 23(8), pp. 4234-4242
14 Sari, H. R., Brata, N. T. 2017. Ethnoecological study of fisherman and cantrang nets in Rembang Regency (Studi Etnoekologi tentang Nelayan dan Jaring Cantrang di Kabupaten Rembang). Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo
1(2), pp. 135-146 - cited 1 time
Febryano, I.G., Supono, Damai, A.A., (...), Winarno, G.D., Tresiana, N. 2021. Cantrang: A dilemma in policy implementation (case in lampung bay, indonesia) | [Sieć trałowa: Dylemat we wdrażaniu polityki (przypadek zatoki lampung w indonezji)]. Problemy Ekorozwoju 16(1), pp. 133-142
15 Dewi T., Masruhim M. A., Sulistiarini R. 2017. Ulama Pasca Sunan Gunung Jati: Jaringan Intelektual Islam Cirebon Abad ke-16 sampai dengan Abad ke-18Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo
1(2), pp. 177-194 - cited 1 time
Hajam. 2021. Sufferance within a Cultural Framework as the Preaching Strategy of Sunan Gunungjati in Forming a Civil Society. Journal of Social Studies Education Research 12(4), pp. 257-285

Retrieved file (17 March 2023):


Sociology Laboratory - Department of Sociology
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Central Java, Indonesia

