Istikhdām Kitāb "Belajar Bahasa Arab Secara Tepat" fī Ta‘līm al-Lughah al-‘Arabīyah lil-Ṣaff al-Thālith bi-Madrasat Binnur al-‘Āliyah Rembang
Arabic language teaching, educational book, learning methodologyAbstract
The objectives of this research are to describe the use of the educational book "Belajar Bahasa Arab secara Tepat" in teaching Arabic to the third-grade students at Binnur High School, Solang, Rembang Regency, and to identify its advantages and disadvantages. This research is a descriptive field study or qualitative descriptive research conducted at Binnur High School, Solang. Data were collected through four methods: observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The methods used for data analysis after collection are data retrieval, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research results show that the book "Belajar Bahasa Arab secara Tepat" is a new discovery in the field of Arabic language methodology as an attempt to simplify and accelerate the learning of Arabic. Teaching Arabic using the book "Belajar Bahasa Arab secara Tepat" at Binnur High School, Solang, is effective and highly impactful, as this book is a new innovation. The advantages of using the book "Belajar Bahasa Arab secara Tepat" in teaching Arabic to the third-grade students at Binnur High School, Solang, include factors related to the students, teachers, educational tools, environment, time, and study materials. The disadvantages are related to factors such as the students, teachers, teaching tools, environment, and study materials.Downloads
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