Al-Ikhtilāf al-Naḥwī fI al-Lahjah al-ʿĀmmīyah al-Sūdānīyah: Dirāsah Waṣfīyah min Khilāl al-Amthāl al-Shaʿbīyah
Colloquial, dialect, proverb, Sudan, syntaxAbstract
This research aims to clarify the positions and causes of the grammatical difference between the Sudanese dialect and the classical Arabic language by applying to popular proverbs. His approach is descriptive, and one of the most important results is that the Sudanese dialect is one of the largest Arabic dialects currently spoken in the Sudan and in its neighbouring countries. The Sudanese dialect tends to soften the last words in order to mitigate. The connection of mawṣūl (ال) is verbal or nominal sentence or jar-majrūr, which does not adhere to explicit status, and removes the much-returned conscience. The verb (كان) used as a tool of condition in many places. The majrūr nouns is often read as marfūʿ or manṣūb. The double (muthanná) and plural (jamaʿ mudhakkar sālim) read with yā' sign in all positions.
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