
  • Sulistiyani Sulistiyani UNTAG Semarang, Indonesia



Manajerial Ability, Creativity Marketing Program, Out come, Inovation, Performance, Support


The previous research shows that Managerial Ability is professionalism attitude description that can support motivation achievement in order to create a successful work. While innovation is the new ideas coming in process of doing something, products and services, and the innovation meant here is sharing work, support, participation in taking the decision and the self improvement and communication. Work is a system that has relation to the out coming activity that has gotten. Thus, the organization by good Managerial Ability will have some positive effects to UKM work in the Semarang and the organization / company that has the innovation will influence positively to the work in Semarang city. This research is done to analyze Managerial Ability and Creativity Marketing Program also Innovation, and Employee’s work to UKM in Semarang. Respondents in this
research are UKM entrepreneurs in Semarang. The method used in this analysis is confirmatory factor analysis n’ full model (SEM). In SEM, the computerization result for the significant test is done to measure the goodness of fit those are chi-square. Goodness of fit index is adjusted to
Goodness of Index (CFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) and Critical Ratio (CR). The result shows that the model in this research fulfills the Goodness of Fit Criteria and the Regression Weight requirement ( Chi square = 73,004; probability = 0,412; CMIN = 1,028; GFI = 0,910; AGFI = 0,867; TLI = 0,9916; CFI=0,997;RMSEA=0,017). It shows that managerial ability will have some positive influence to UKM in Semarang, and the innovation will be created by UKM s work positively as well.


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