
  • Hasyim Syarbani IAIN Walisongo Semarang, Indonesia



Student participation, commitment, innovation-oriented, boarding school cooperative


In order to improve the performance of boarding school cooperative, it can be done through developing participation and commitment of its members, because the participation and commitment can affect the performance of the company. Whereas, innovation-oriented company provides a positive impact on company performance. Therefore, this study is a replication of Johanis W Dominoes research that was applied to the boarding school cooperative. While the purpose of the research is to determine the effect of participation commitment and innovation ability to influnce the performance of boarding school cooperative. The results show that students participation level to commit the innovation ability at boarding school cooperative is low and so with the performance of boarding school cooperative, this is indicated by a decline in business, number of members and the rest of the results of cooperative profit per year. The goodness of fit index and regression weights research model can be accepted that means students participation, commitment and innovation ability influence the performance of boarding school cooperative. Therefore, it can be concluded that the low performance of cooperatives is affected by the lack of students participation, commitment and innovation ability from the boarding school cooperative


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