The Dimensions of Sufi Healing in Traditional Medication of the Islamic-Banjar Community


  • Muhammad Zainal Abidin Department of Islamic Psychology, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, State Islamic University Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Ridhatullah Assya'bani Department of Elementary School & Teachers Education, Faculty of Education, College for Qur’anic Science Amuntai, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Arni Arni Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, State Islamic University Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia
  • Mulyani Mulyani Department of Islamic Psychology, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities, State Islamic University Antasari Banjarmasin, Indonesia



sufi healing, Batatamba, mystic, Banjar community


Sufi healing has become an exciting topic to discuss amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Various alternative health treatments remain a concern from a medical and non-medical perspective. One kind of Sufi healing originating from the Banjar community in South Kalimantan is the practice of Batatamba. This study examines the forms, methods and sources of Sufi healing practice that live and develop in South Kalimantan. The method used in this study is qualitative. The data were collected from field research. It employs an anthropological approach which looks at the Sufi side of healing in the practice of Batatamba.

Contribution: This study gives a new insight into Sufi healing that developed in South Kalimantan that combines the Sufistic tradition with local wisdom and the legitimacy of mystics in knowledge transfer (epistemology). The mystical legitimacy has made practitioners of traditional medication in this area, commonly known as Pananamba, have a sacred element and are committed to a humane mission to help others. 


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How to Cite

Zainal Abidin, Muhammad, Ridhatullah Assya’bani, Arni Arni, and Mulyani Mulyani. “The Dimensions of Sufi Healing in Traditional Medication of the Islamic-Banjar Community”. Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism 11, no. 2 (December 20, 2022): 163–182. Accessed March 31, 2025.


