The Role of Sufi Orders in Social Change in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review
Sufi orders, social change, IndonesiaAbstract
Abstract: This research examines the role of Sufi orders in social change in Indonesia. Based on a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) following the PRISMA 2020 guidelines, the study reviews journal articles from Google Scholar. The analysis of 14 articles indicates that Sufi orders in Indonesia play a significant role in various fields: socio-political, educational, philanthropic, economic, personal, and spiritual transformation, as well as da'wa> and religious dissemination. The reviewed articles demonstrate that Sufi orders function as effective agents of social change with adaptive, evolutionary, and contextual approaches to the needs of society. This research provides a comprehensive perspective on how Sufi orders contribute to social change and offers practical methods to support sustainable social transformation in Indonesia.
Contribution: The results of this research will help future researchers identify the role of Sufi orders in social change in Indonesia. Additionally, Muslims and the general public can understand and apply these roles in daily activities to encourage positive social change. This research will provide a comprehensive perspective on how Sufi orders contribute to social change and offer practical methods to support better social transformation.
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