Santri’s Spiritual Resilience at Pesantren Mahasiswa of the Institut Daarul Qur’an Jakarta: Capturing Living Sufism amid Modern Society


  • Feny Nida Fitriyani Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Institut Daarul Qur’an Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Syamsul Kurniawan Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak, Indonesia
  • Bayu Suratman Department of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Egi Tanadi Taufik Department of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia - University of Edinburgh UK, Indonesia
  • Djusmalinar Djusmalinar Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand



Daqu Method, Spiritual Resilience, Living Sufism, Santri.


This study aims to explore living Sufism practices in Pesantren Mahasiswa Institut Daarul Qur’an Jakarta that can develop santri spiritual resilience in facing modern challenges and problems. Using a phenomenological approach, this qualitative study describes the natural situation concerning spiritual resilience in Pesantren Mahasiswa Institut Daarul Qur’an and tries to capture its living Sufism teaching and practices. The results show that the Daqu Method is the basic principle of learning in all Daarul Qur’an institutions. There are seven pilar of the Daqu Method; they are: 1) congregational prayer, maintaining the heart and attitude, 2) tahajjud, d}u>h}a>, qabliyyah and ba’diyyah, 3) memorizing and reflecting al-Qur’an, 4) s}adaqah and recommended fasting, 5) learning and teaching, 6) pray, pray for, and ask for prayed 7) sincere, gratitude, patient, and willingness. Living Sufism practiced by Santri involves internalizing the Daqu Method and applying it to manifest their love for Allah SWT. This study contributes to helping them in fostering well-being and peace in modern society.

Contribution: This research contributes to developing spiritual resilience among santri in the context of modern society that helps them foster well-being and peace by living Sufism teachings and practices based on the Daqu Method integrated into the daily lives of santri.


Author Biographies

Feny Nida Fitriyani, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Institut Daarul Qur’an Jakarta

Faculty of Education and Teacher training

Syamsul Kurniawan, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

Egi Tanadi Taufik, Department of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia - University of Edinburgh UK

Islamic studies

Djusmalinar Djusmalinar, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Prince of Songkla University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science


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How to Cite

Fitriyani, Feny Nida, Syamsul Kurniawan, Bayu Suratman, Egi Tanadi Taufik, and Djusmalinar Djusmalinar. “Santri’s Spiritual Resilience at Pesantren Mahasiswa of the Institut Daarul Qur’an Jakarta: Capturing Living Sufism Amid Modern Society”. Teosofia: Indonesian Journal of Islamic Mysticism 13, no. 2 (December 6, 2024): 213–238. Accessed March 28, 2025.


