Syadzili, Wealth, Qur’an, HadithAbstract
Lots of the Muslims still consider that poverty is the way to get closer (taqarrub) toAllah the Most Beneficent. Such misunderstanding of Islamic teaching makes the
Muslims do not have working motivation and desire. This study is a qualitative-based
research. It aims to investigate and focus on Abu Hasan al-Shadhili attitude regarding
wealth and his perspective about it based on his deep insight on the Qur'an and hadith.
The data were gained from library research to find complete information about Syeikh
al-Shadhili and his Tariqa Shadhiliyah. The analysis of the data was carried out
through descriptive analysis to reveal the collected information from some documents
(books, journals, and websites). One thing that makes him different from other Sufi is
his concern with society, his sacrifice for people, and his country. According to him, if
all salik (man undergoing spiritual journey) who are honest and pious are only busy
with their religious ritual and neglect their society, dishonest and greedy people will
take power and as a result, the Muslims would be neglectful of their worldly matters
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