Vol. 10 No. 2 (2021)
Divine Testing and the Covid Pandemic: Searching for Hope in Sufi Commentaries
Abstract View: 633 Untitled Download: 0 -
Sufism and Pandemic: Lesson Learned from Sufi Teachings and its Prominent Figures
Abstract View: 739 PDF Download: 375 -
Abu Nu‛aym Al-Iṣfahānī (d. 430/1038): Conflicting Opinions
Abstract View: 774 PDF Download: 357 -
Perennialism and the Religious Common Platform of Mystical Tradition in Java
Abstract View: 714 PDF Download: 383 -
Role of the Sūfis During the Pandemic in a Society: COVID-19 in Nigeria as a Case Study
Abstract View: 630 PDF Download: 343 -
Physical and Spiritual Dimensions of Happiness in the Thought of al-Fārābī and Ibn Sīnā
Abstract View: 848 PDF Download: 313 -
K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari’s view on Walāya (Sainthood) in Sufism
Abstract View: 620 PDF Download: 346 -
Sufism and Kenosis: The Basis of One’s Resilience as a Zoom Politicon
Abstract View: 695 PDF Download: 316