State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Walisongo, Semarang - Indonesia
This study is a policy research, which use STAIN in Central Java as objects of research, while faculty, students, employees, officers and graduates of the unit being analyzed. The analysis technique used is exploratory descriptive. To implement the balanced scorecard at STAIN would require accurately data and documents, it is to be aware of changes in key indicators that can be used as the basis of evidence the organization’s activities. In this study, the perspective which used is the perspective of stakeholders, administrative and financial management, and the teaching and learning process, work ethos, culture and good governance. The results of the five perspective are referred to the differences of implementation, but for administrative and financial management perspective STAIN, in Central Java, faced the same thing that is the not optimal care units so that are still limited contribution to STAIN revenue.
Keywords: balanced scorecard; mutu PTAI; STAIN
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