Published: 2019-02-09

Ibn ‘Arabi’s Influence on Ottoman Sufism in Üftade’s Views

Ahmad Munji, Semih Çeyhan


Abstract View: 1096 PDF Download: 536

Family Suicide Bombing: A Psychological Analysis of Contemporary Terrorism

Rindha Widyaningsih, K Kuntarto


Abstract View: 1627 PDF Download: 613

Maqāṣid Al-Shariah in the Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse: Perspective of Jasser Auda

Zaprulkhan Zaprulkhan


Abstract View: 1542 PDF Download: 1339

Quranic Forensic on Begging: Formulating Policies and Action Plans to Handle Street Beggars

Yusuf Hanafi, M. Alifudin Ikhsan, Tsania Nur Diyana, Zuroidah Zeni Nurushofa


Abstract View: 875 PDF Download: 210