Reviewer Guidelines

We kindly encourage professionals to evaluate articles for Walisongo Journal of Chemistry to raise the standard of journal publishing. Your assistance and support will be beneficial to our publication in ensuring that the articles published are of a high quality.


  1. Master's or doctoral degrees are required for potential reviewers.
  2. The research field must adhere to chemistry
  3. Have strong experience reviewing for a scientific publication
  4. Have published articles in respected journals throughout the world and received citations for those articles.

To become a reviewer, please fill out the following form (click here).

The following are aspects the reviewer should consider as they review the manuscript.

Is the argument presented in the manuscript well-developed? Are the concepts given clearly?

Does the title accurately describe the manuscript? Is the writing clear and simple to read?

Which section(s) of the document needs to be expanded, deleted, shortened, summarized, or combined?

Is the title clear, simple, and interesting in how it describes the substance of the manuscript?

Is the research background, aim, technique, findings, and contributions/implications included in the abstract?

The introduction should to briefly state:

  • The study's background should identify a research gap that needs to be filled or addressed.
  • The literature review should to present the ideas that are relevant to the research and should help in understanding in order to respond to the research question or questions.
  • The work's novelty should be discussed
  • The study's purpose should be stated in a narrative using effective phrases
  • If a quantitative approach is being used, the formulation of the hypothesis should be based on a theoretical study and articulated in a one-tailed orientation (if it is possible)


  • The procedure should completely cover all steps (Not only describing the definition of terms but also how to conduct the research)
  • It is important to identify the study variables, research subjects, and research instruments (including their names, item codes, and reliability coefficients).
  • Explicit explanations of the data analysis methods used are required.
  • Adequate information is provided to offer suggestions or guidance for additional study to make it easier for other researchers to do the same research and get the same results.


The study's findings are discussed in this section. If necessary, utilize tables and figures. The data should be processed (not just raw data), and it should be displayed as a table or figure with an explanation to support it. The analyses should be explained in a table, chart, or figure. The study topic and/or hypotheses should be addressed by the findings.


  • How does the author analyze the study's findings and characterize the findings in relation to earlier or more recent literature? The analysis's findings should be given meaningful meaning by the author, and they should be compared to those found in the pertinent literature.
  • The author discusses the research's significance.
  • The study's advantages and disadvantages should be discussed by the authors. The results section should not be repeated in this section.


  • The study's main conclusions are presented in this section.
  • It presents the study's findings as a synthesis of the results of the data analysis and the discussions; highlight new findings that advance chemistry
  • The conclusion should be presented in effective sentences based on the results and discussions in the form of paragraphs (not in bullet or numbering).

WJC: Walisongo Journal of Chemistry
Published by the Department of Chemistry
Faculty of Science and Technology
Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Jl Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus III Ngaliyan Semarang 50185

ISSN: 2549-385X (Print)
ISSN: 2621-5985 (Online)

