Wakaf, UU No. 41 Tahun 2004, pemberdayaan masyarakat, nadzirAbstract
This paper aims to describe and analyze the problems and prospects of endowments (perwakafan) in Indonesia, mainly related to the enactment of Law No. 40 of 2004 on Waqf. An analysis of the problems focused on management of waqf properties by waqf institutions that are still traditional and far from productive orientation. The problems on waqf management are triggered by several things, such as: Lack of socialization on fiqh waqf and regulations about waqf from the state; not seriusly management of waqf, the issue of nadzir commitment, weak institutional monitoring system, and problems of funding. The enactment of the Law of Waqf believed to be the initial breakthrough has strategic and significant meaning in order to strengthen the better prospects of waqf institutions in Indonesia for tomorrow. It was at least found on some of the indicators in the Law of Waqf, namely: progressive thinking about productive waqf (cash waqf), institutional strengthening on waqf, structuring the management of waqf administration, and law enforcement of waqfDownloads
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