Accredited by
Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education,No. 79/E/KPT/2023
on "5th Level"
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2023)
In the Name Religion and Defending Women; Experiences of Three Pesantren Women in Indonesia Local Elections
Abstract View: 286 PDF Download: 147 -
Dampak Politik Islam Terhadap Kebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia
Abstract View: 420 PDF Download: 574 -
Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan Otoriter Pemerintah Serta Kaitannya dengan Teori Demokrasi
Abstract View: 591 PDF Download: 1100 -
Mendorong Akuntabilitas Birokrasi, Membuka Ruang Politik: Pelibatan Warga Melalui Layanan Pengaduan dalam Tata Kelola Perkotaan
Abstract View: 335 PDF Download: 140 -
Komunikasi Politik Anies Baswedan Menjelang Pilpres 2024: Perspektif Behavioral Approach
Abstract View: 464 PDF Download: 603 -
The Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming Policy in Indonesian Local Government – The Case of Salatiga City 2017-2022
Abstract View: 271 PDF Download: 122